About us

About Company

“Rustavoil” oil product factory of American standard, located in Rustavi, produces five different types of bitumen and other petroleum products of the highest quality, corresponding to the climatic conditions of regions of Georgia, and ensures its delivery throughout Georgia within 1-7 hours. The enterprise produces raw materials and ensures its storage in increased storage facilities after the upgrade.

Qualified members complete the team of Rustavoil, and their experience determines the American standard of our factory and continuous product manufacture and delivery process.

Our goal is to accelerate and participate in the development process of our country. 

The main task for Rustavoil is to become a link in the chain that will turn Georgia into a reliable, powerful partner for European and Asian countries. 

In this process, we guarantee the uninterrupted process of building roads of strategic importance and service of high quality.




What we do

Since 2019, the factory has been producing Euro-standard products both for the local market and for export purposes.

The factory is a modern high-tech production, with a railway dead-end, infrastructure for receiving raw materials and storing them in large volumes. The factory, certified by the state is ecologically compliant with the European standard, equipped with equipment corresponding to safety requirements and modern automatic fire-fighting equipment.

How we work

Bitumen is one of the main components of asphalt production and largely determines the quality of roads.

Until now, 100% of bitumen was imported and of low quality, which significantly delayed the implementation of infrastructure projects.